
Participation in EMI Joint Conference of the Engineering Machanics Institute 2012

Mini-symposium "Cementitious materials: experiments and modeling across the scales" within 2012 Joint Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI 2012),
held at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, June 17-20 2012, see

organized by
Christian Hellmich, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Günther Meschke, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Jan van Mier, President of FraMCoS
Bernhard Pichler, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Franz-Josef Ulm, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA

The objective of this mini-symposium is to honor Professor Bazant by
celebrating mechanics as an enabling discipline in engineering sciences: we
aim at discussing recent advances in modeling and experimental oriented
research on cementitious materials across the scales, ranging from atomistic
via molecular, nano, micro, and meso up to the macro scale, including also
related applications in the field of engineering mechanics. Analytical and
computational models for cementitious materials as well as related
experimental techniques, addressing various length and time scales and
physical phenomena relevant for the behavior of cementitious materials
subjected to different environmental and loading conditions are welcome.
Innovative approaches suitable to increase insight into complex phenomena as
well as predictive models increasing safety and efficiency in practical
applications are especially encouraged.

See PDF file for more Information