
From Tunnel Vision to Visions of a Tunnel

The perspective from the biomechanical processes that cause the eye disease "glaucoma" to the physical soil conditions that are important in tunneling was drawn up in the presentation "Virtual Tunnel Vision: From Numerical Eye Models to Simulations in Tunneling" on 2nd April 2015 at BlueSquare in Bochum's city center. The presentation was given by Prof. Dr. tech. Meschke, head of the RUB department of statics and dynamics and coordinator of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center 837 on the topic "Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling", which was established in 2010. He was assisted by Dr.-Ing. Britta Schößer from the RUB department of tunneling and construction management (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thewes) and herself involved in the SFB 837 as a leader in the sub project A6 (transient penetration processes of bentonite suspensions into cohesionless soft soils).

The presentation merged selected results of the SFB837 and numerical multiscale models of the human eye to show up today's possibilities of advanced computer-aided simulations.
The presentation was a part of the presentation series "ING für ALLE", an experimental and multimedia format for young and old. The series explores the complex engineering processes that paved the way for common items and arrangements that shape our everyday life. The presentations each take place on every first Thursday in the month. They are organized by ALLES ING!, a joint initiative of the three RUB engineering faculties. It's goal is to give the engineering sciences a more modern outlook and make them more popular among the public.

Further information:

DFG approved CRC 1683 „Modular Reuse“...

On November 22, 2024, the German Research Foundation decided to fund the Collaborative Research Cent
